🔥안녕하세요 여러분! 지난 8월23일~8월25일 3일동안 저희 도캐더는 2024 코엑스 케이 펫페어에 참가했었죠?!💙
조금 늦은(?) 박람회 후기를 가져왔습니다!
(8월 한달간 서희와 다나의 하루 평균 수면시간은 2시간이었다합니다 키킥.. 진짜 열심히 준비했거든요🔥🥹)
황금트릿 3종 세트와 함께 이번에 피부 가려움증,
눈물에 좋은 식물성 DHA 영양제!✨
신제품인 츄어블 뇸뇸 DHA 영양제와 함께 박람회를
무사히 다녀왔습니다!👣🏃♀️🏃♀️
간식들 말고도 도캐더의 굿즈들(후드,반팔티,엽서,가방 등..)을
보여드리고, 오프라인에서 여러분들을
실제로 뵐수있어서 너무 좋았습니다😍
🫡다음 박람회는 2024년 9월27~9월29일
3일간 대구에서 열리는데요!
‼️대구에서도 저희 도캐더는 계속됩니다!‼️
그때에는 미처 보여드리지 못한,
많은분들께서 문의주셨던 스트레스 완화에 좋은 기능성 소프트 덴탈껌을 보여드릴 예정이에요!! 열심히 준비해가겠습니다!
제품구매는 인스타 프로필 링크를 타고 들어가셔서 구매해주시면 됩니다! (👏쿠팡,네이버 스마트 스토어에도 있어용~!자사몰은 공사중⚒️)
그럼 조만간 또 만나요 저희🥰
First Expo Review👩🏻💻👩🏽💻👨🏻💻
Hi🐶🐱🐥🦎Docather was only available in the online store, but this time, in order to promote new products and take on the offline challenge,
we participated in the expo!
There were many variables in the middle,
so all the schedules overlapped
and there was confusion, and Docather went through a brand renewal, participated in the first domestic expo at the same time as releasing new products, and challenged overseas expos,
so we had a very hectic August (I even promised myself that I would sleep until I died🤣).
After the new products were released,
and when we were exhausted from preparing for the expo, we are able to prepare well for the expo until the end thanks to your warm support and interest.
After many twists and turns,
we participated in the 2024 COEX K Pet Fair Seoul!!!
We are so grateful that many people visited our first offline expo after seeing our Instagram.
We were so happy to meet so many cute babies on site and talk to customers in person. Please show lots of love to Docather💙 The next expo will be held in Daegu from September 27th to September 29th,
so let's meet again then!
At that time, we would like to introduce you to the stress-relieving functional soft dental gum that many people were curious about, which we were not able to show you in Seoul⭐️
We still haven't recovered from the fatigue of the exhibition, but we will come back with a more energetic look! Thank you, please support us a lot,